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Beliefs: How Your Past Determines Your Future

There are two things we all seem to want more of: love and money. Astrology can certainly highlight when opportunities in these areas have potential to bloom. But planets don’t make things happen. People’s beliefs do.

The reason our past often determines our future is because everything we attract in our life is based on our beliefs — beliefs about ourselves, about our success potential, about money, love and relationships.

Our old beliefs create repetitive patterns. If we don’t believe we are worthy, then we will continue to attract situations in our life that reinforce our belief about not being worthy. Maybe we have a pattern with money of living hand-to-mouth, or a pattern in love of attracting abusive or unhealthy relationships.

If on the other hand, we believe we are successful and attractive, then we will continue to attract experiences in our life that reinforce our belief about our beauty and achievement. The point is our beliefs run the show. The Universe (or consciousness, or physical reality) is a mirror. What we put out is what we get back.

If we want to change our relationship with love or money, then we must examine our beliefs. What belief attracted a certain situation into our life? Where does that belief originate? What would we prefer to believe is true?

Self-examination is the key. Ask yourself this question: what would I have to believe is true about myself for me to feel a certain way (fill-in-the-blank) about a certain person or situation (fill-in-the-blank)?

Maybe an old belief is linked to relationships and a fear of being alone. The belief may originate from childhood when our father abandoned our mother. Does that belief still serve us today? If not, then we need to consciously choose a new preferred belief to replace the old belief with. Just ask yourself, what would I prefer to believe is true? Your old beliefs will begin to shift.

As an astrologer, I often hear clients express their frustrations or disappointments about love and money. They want to know when their situation will change.

Yes, astrology can pinpoint, with high probability, opportunities and times for change. But if we don’t change our old beliefs, how can we expect our reality to change? If we don’t change the channel on our TV, how can we expect to watch a different program?

If you would like to examine your beliefs and replace them for ones that are inline with what you want to attract into your life, then check out the fabulous work of Bashar. Find more from Bashar at

Bashar: Changing Core Beliefs

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