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Birth Time Rectification: Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook, was born on May 14, 1984 in White Plains, New York, birth time unknown. [Please note: at the time of this birth time rectification in January 2011, no official birth time for Zuckerberg has been published to the best of my knowledge].

His rapid ascendency into wealth and fame is beyond impressive. Zuckerberg entered Harvard in fall 2002, met his current girlfriend (Priscilla Chan) in the fall semester 2003, launched Facebook on February 4, 2004, moved to Palo Alto, California in the summer of 2004, quit Harvard, and finished the year with 1 million Facebook users.

The following year —- on May 26, 2005 —- Accel Partners, a venture capital firm, invested $12.7 million into Zuckerberg’s network. By the close of 2005, Facebook had more than 5.5 million users.

Two years later on May 5, 2007, Zuckerberg became the world’s youngest billionaire. From an astrological standpoint, we should see some striking measurements between fall 2003 and spring 2007 corroborating a major life transformation, such as for example, Pluto transiting the Angles of Zuckerberg’s natal horoscope. Transiting Pluto was situated at 19 Sagittarius from February 2003 throughout September 2004.

My proposed birth time rectification at 2:39 PM — Ascendant 21 Virgo 02; Midheaven 19 Gemini 35 — shows transiting Pluto precisely opposed the natal Midheaven for an extended transit, highlighting the life-significant perspective change, identity transformation, professional developments, geographic relocation and personal relationships that emerged in Zuckerberg’s life in 2003 and 2004.

Taking into account his dramatic ascent, it makes sense that transiting Saturn would be opposed the Ascendant in 1995 when this child prodigy made his debut to the outer world. He began programming in the 1990’s. At age 11, on October 7, 1995, software developer David Newman was hired as a private tutor [tr. Saturn opposed Ascendant, retrograde hit exact on October 8, 1995].

In 1996, with transiting Uranus opposed his Midheaven, Zuckerberg (age 11 or 12) wrote an intranet program called ZuckNet for his father’s dentistry practice. Solar Arc (SA) Midheaven was opposed Neptune in March 1996 (Neptune rules the 7th house. Using derivative houses, the 7th house is the Midheaven of the 10th house; i.e. his father’s career).

With transiting Saturn passing over the cusp of the 9th house in 2000, Zuckerberg transfers from public high school to Phillips Exeter Academy, a boarding school in New Hampshire, where he becomes immersed in Latin and computer programming. He wrote a music player named Synapse. Microsoft and AOL tried to purchase Synapse and recruit Zuckerberg, but he decided to attend Harvard University instead in fall 2002 with transiting Saturn conjunct his Midheaven.

In the spring of 2003 with transiting Pluto’s first direct opposition to the Midheaven, Zuckerberg worked as a code developer on a project named “StreetFax.” In September 2003, he developed CourseMatch and then Facemash, which was subsequently shut down by Harvard’s administration in late October 2003. Within the final months of 2003, he also met Priscilla his girlfriend with the second direct hit of tr. Pluto opposed his Midheaven (exact December 7th, 2003).

Zuckerberg registered the domain,, on January 1st, 2004 right around the time he visited Palo Alto for the first time during winter break. He launched Facebook on February 4, 2004. He moved to Palo Alto in July/August 2004 with the last retrograde hit of transiting Pluto opposed MC (exact August 17, 2004), and quit Harvard with the final direct hit (exact September 11th 2004).

Transiting Pluto was also square his Ascendant throughout 2004. With transiting Saturn’s final direct entry into his 11th house in May 2005 [using Placidus house system], Accel Partners invests millions in Facebook. Upon transiting Saturn’s departure from the 11th house (mid-2007), Zuckerberg becomes the world’s youngest billionaire.

Between mid-2007 and August 2009, Saturn was transiting Zuckerberg’s 12th house — the house of hidden enemies, privacy concerns, and potential self-undoing. During this time in 2008, the 2004 lawsuit filed by Harvard students the Winklevoss brothers (that was dismissed in March 2007) is re-filed and the parties reach a confidential settlement agreement in February 2008. On June 25, 2008 the case settles and Facebook pays $20 million in cash.

Zuckerberg’s disappointments didn’t end there. On November 6, 2007 he launched Facebook Beacon allowing users to share information based on sites browsed on the internet. The program created a great deal of controversy over privacy concerns. On August 12, 2008 a class action lawsuit was filed against Facebook. On September 21, 2009, Facebook Beacon was shut down. Transiting Saturn had just made its final pass over Zuckerberg’s Ascendant. Now, with Saturn’s transit below the horizon, a shift has taken place from responsibilities to the outer world, to responsibilities to the self. It is a time of making major new self-realizations about life, both personally and professionally.

Life events occurring in the final four months of 2010 were extremely significant:

  • In early September 2010, Zuckerberg’s long-time girlfriend Priscilla moved into his home.

  • A few weeks later on September 22, Zuckerberg made a generous donation of 100 million dollars to the public schools of Newark, New Jersey.

  • The release of the film “Social Network” took place on October 1, 2010.

  • Zuckerberg and his girlfriend moved “right before Thanksgiving” from their rental house in Palo Alto to an undisclosed location. Perhaps they bought a home together, although only speculation. [Note the sensitivity to the MC/IC axis at 19 Gemini/Sagittarius, when a moving truck pulled up to his rented house right before Thanksgiving 2010: transiting Mars and transiting Mercury were both opposed the Midheaven on November 22nd and 23rd, respectively].

  • On December 15th, Zuckerberg is named TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year 2010.

Using my proposed birth time of 2:39 PM, Solar Arc Sun would be conjunct the Midheaven (exact on November 21, 2010) corroborating the ego recognition, success and fulfillment through his social status and profession. Transiting Pluto was semisquare his natal Moon throughout 2010 (final hit, November 14th, 2010).

And what about further corroboration for his natal Moon situated at 18 Scorpio 43’?

  • Transiting Saturn was square the Moon in 1993: likely when he began learning computer programming from his father.

  • Transiting Saturn was opposed the Moon in 2000: transfers from public high school to Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. Transiting Uranus was square the Moon throughout 2000 as well.

  • Transiting Saturn was square the Moon for the first hit on September 7th, 2006: Facebook launched News Feed on September 5th, 2006.

  • Transiting Saturn was square the Moon for the final hit on May 14th, 2007: Zuckerberg announced Facebook Platform on May 24th, 2007 for programmers to create social applications on Facebook. Today there are more than 800,000 developers world-wide building applications for Facebook Platform. On May 5th, 2007, Zuckerberg becomes the world’s youngest billionaire.

The Lunation Cycle —the Secondary Progressed Moon in hard aspect to the Secondary Progressed Sun—lasting approximately 28-to-30 years is another sensitive timer supporting a proposed birth time at 2:39 PM.

  • New Moon Phase —SP Moon conjunct SP Sun— begins in April 2000 (Phillips Exeter Academy).

  • Crescent Moon Phase —SP Moon semisquare SP Sun— begins in November 2003 (meets Priscilla; launches Facebook).

  • First Quarter Moon Phase —SP Moon square SP Sun— begins in April 2007 (becomes world’s youngest billionaire).

  • Gibbous Moon Phase —SP Moon sesquiquadrate SP Sun— begins in September 2010 (moves home, donates $100 million to public schools, film release ‘Social Network,’ and TIME magazine Person of the Year).

© copyright, Lauren Delsack, January 2011

Birth Time Rectification Mark Zuckerberg by Astrologer Lauren Delsack

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