“Thank you for an outstanding consultation. I was left speechless. Simply WOW!! A true eye-opener!! You have made me a believer in astrology! Your accuracy is astonishing. You have brought unimaginable sunshine to my life!” A.L., U.K.
“The consultation was incredibly accurate. You were spot on with your assessment of my life…really, just incredible. I am overwhelmed with understanding. The consultation is a very, very important tool for healing and knowing one’s self.” K.H., USA
“Thank you for the life changing consultation! You provided me with clarity and helped me move forward. I have had many astrology readings with other astrologers, but with your approach of understanding, I know it will bring great changes in my life. Stay tuned…Thank you again!” V.T., USA
“Wow, the consultation was just incredible. Everything was so right on. It was just amazing. You covered everything imaginable for me. Thank you so much for such a beautiful and thorough reading. I am so grateful! What amazing work you do!” S.P., USA
“Thank you for such a fantastic forecast. You are a Top Notch Astrologer. Your insights are beyond helpful.” M.B., USA
“It is always such a heaven sent experience to get a consultation from you, thank you for the work that you do, and for being such a force for good and the light in this world, we need more like you around!” G.L., USA
“I’ve had astrology readings in the past that were much more general and none as accurate as your consultation was. It makes me realize how good you are at what you do.” G.R., USA
“I am moved and grateful. I feel stronger and more comfortable about the decisions I will make.” M.P., Brazil
“Wow! The information provides a huge relief. You rock! I look forward to my next consultation with you!” T.N.,USA
“The consultation blew me away. It confirmed many things for me and made me feel more confident about where I am heading. Thanks so much, as always, for a wonderful consultation!!!” E.J., USA
“The consultation truly made me put my impatience at ease. Your explanations were a great way of clarifying the years in process. I really valued what you had to say as it put a lot of things in perspective.” A.G., Australia
“Wow! I loved the consultation, and thank you for building my confidence! Just what I needed!” E.R., Argentina
“Your analysis is so structured and clear. It’s always empowering to listen to!” M.G., Germany
“All I can say is WOW! The consultation was amazing and I am still processing it all. You are so incredibly thorough. Extremely interesting and so dead on!” A.K., USA
“I’ve listened to the consultation a thousand times, and thought a lot about the very important comments you shared. It made me think a lot about my life, and especially about what to do with it. I’d like to thank you for all of it!” R.F., Spain
“I really enjoyed your analysis of my chart. I found it very accurate and enjoyable. This consultation has fulfilled something I have wanted to explore for sometime now.” G.L., USA
“Your analysis of my birth chart was simply amazing. Every single word resonates so true. Thank you dear Lauren, your clever and sensitive analysis has helped me gain confidence that I have somehow found my way.” N.P., Canada
“The consultation is invaluable to me and well worth the investigation. I am very grateful for your knowledge and teaching. Your voice and communication are very clear, strong and knowledgeable. I find your reading my chart excellent!” C.G., Canada
“The consultation is Absolutely Amazing! Everything was so spot on…EVERYTHING! I am speechless at the moment…just brilliant. Thank you SOOO much (I can’t say it too many times)!” A.J., Denmark
“The consultation was excellent and your analysis makes perfect sense. All your comments were very accurate. The draconic chart seems to fill in the gaps left in the natal chart and completes the picture of the personality. Very interesting!” A.L., Greece
“The consultation has completely turned on my thinking cap!! Everything, and I mean everything you said was dead on!!!” J.L., Mexico
“You are amazing! How do I ever thank you for your thoroughness. It was the way you described the facts and my natal chart that I can understand and appreciate how you came up with my birth time rectification. You express yourself very well and with much authority.” A.R., USA
“The consultation was very helpful. You really understand people and have a great sensibility.” M.N., Brazil
“I enjoyed our discussion so much. It gave me the faith and renewed belief in myself that I really needed!” A.V., Brazil
“You are a Godsend. Thank you for the expert direction and guidance. Wonderful analysis. I will attempt to pursue the channels you suggest. I feel so good about this!” D.G., USA
“Cheers for the consultation. I am grateful now that I can use this information to help me with decision making now and in the near future. I’ll look forward to working with you again and will always highly recommend you to others.” E.C., Ireland
“I am so happy with the results of your consultation. It opened up my vision and gave me a lot of expectations and strong energy to realize my goals. You are very competent and I am so grateful!” F.D., Brazil
“I want to thank you for giving me the light I needed to follow my path and my heart’s desire!” G.M., Argentina
“Thank you so much for the clarity and helping me be calm and patient. I always feel comforted when I speak with you.” G.V., Brazil
“It was so nice to meet you and in such a wonderful setting. You were spot on about everything!” G. K., USA
“I listened to your consultation with tremendous interest. It has been very thought provoking and you are extremely accurate. You are a born psychologist!” J.R., Ireland
“I have to say that I really enjoyed our conversation and meeting you. I’m very excited about the new directions my life will be going through.” L.B., Brazil
“I am so grateful for your consultation. Your work is marvelous and so valuable. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.” M.C., Brazil
“Thank you so much for the encouragement which was exactly what I needed. I like the way you communicate very much and how you transfer energy with your voice. Thank you so much for shedding your light!” T.T., Austria