Lauren Delsack is an internationally-respected astrologer and highest honors graduate in 2004 of Noel Tyl’s demanding Master’s Course for professional astrologers. Astrologer Noel Tyl is renowned for merging psychological need theory with western astrology.
Lauren is highly regarded for her expertise in consultation with predictive astrology, strategic future forecasting, birth time rectification, vocational guidance, relocational astrology and electional astrology. Read client testimonials here.
“Lauren Delsack is one of the top astrology minds on this planet; a talent and brilliance the likes of which I have rarely seen anywhere in the field.” - Noel Tyl
Her work is also focused on offering astrologers and students of astrology a variety of educational resources through her eBooks and audiobooks, and videos, essays and commentaries found on her Blog. Read customer reviews here.
In 2006, Lauren published an innovative and highly praised eBook entitled, How Emotional Conflicts Trigger Disease: An Astrological View. She focuses upon allying sophisticated astrology with medical research to show how the horoscope reflects the ties between emotional trauma and the onset of disease, and how early warning of illness ascertained through astrology can help save lives.
She was born on January 27, 1961.