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Past Life Memories Emerge: Case #2

I have frequently noted in studying well-documented reincarnation cases, that transiting Saturn is in hard contact with the natal North Node (conjunct, square or opposed) when a past life memory emerges — either consciously or subconsciously.

The Case of Margaret Kempthorne and Gladys Deacon

Gladys Deacon was born on January 25, 1900 in Leicestershire, England (birth time unknown). As a young child she had a phobia of falling down, and a fondness for the name Margaret.

At age 11 while on a family Christmas trip to visit Dorset (in December 1911, a place she had never been before), Gladys found the area extremely familiar. She told her brother, ‘When I was quite a little girl I lived in a house near here. I remember running down a hill in that field with two grown-ups holding my hands and we all fell down and I hurt my leg badly.” She even described the clothes in detail that they had been wearing. She said as well, “My name was Margaret then.”

Encapsulating this Christmas time period are two very important Solar Arcs involving the natal North Node: SA Venus was square the North Node (May 2011) and SA Jupiter was conjunct the North Node (April 1912).

It wasn’t until 17 years later in 1928 when Gladys was 28 years old with transiting Saturn conjunct her natal North Node that she was able to validate her past life recollection as a young girl.

In 1928, while Gladys was traveling with her employer through Dorset, they encountered a flat tire, and stopped at a cottage for tea. Gladys saw an old portrait hanging on the wall and realized to her amazement that she recognized herself in the portrait as a young child running down the same hill. In this portrait, the young girl was wearing the exact clothing that Gladys saw in her past life memories when she was 11 years old.

She learned from a woman at the cottage that the young girl in the portrait was Margaret Kempthorne who at the age of 5 had fallen down the hill, broken her leg and never recovered. She died two months later.

Margaret Kempthorne was born as well on the same date, January 25th, in 1830 and died on October 11, 1835. Gladys was born 65 years after Margaret died.

Learn more about the reincarnation case of Gladys Deacon and Margaret Kempthrone.

Gladys Deacon’s Birth Chart

Horoscope Gladys Deacon by Astrologer Lauren Delsack

Margaret Kempthorne’s Birth Chart

Horoscope Margaret Kempthorne by Astrologer Lauren Delsack

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