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Within A Woman’s Nest

With the recent passing of Lynn Redgrave and her eight-year battle with cancer, I was intrigued to study her horoscope and life events to understand what may have triggered the onset of her breast cancer diagnosis in 2002. It was within that year Redgrave found a lump in her breast. In December she was diagnosed with breast cancer, had a mastectomy in January 2003 and underwent chemotherapy.

According to Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer and the German New Medicine, the emotional conflict associated with the breast glands is a “nest conflict,” a worry or argument conflict (caring and nurturing) within what a woman considers to be her “nest.” In other words, her children, mother, pet, partner, home, workplace, etc. The worry can be over a concern of a loved one, or even being thrown out of her “nest.” The milk ducts of the breast are associated with a separation conflict, a sudden loss of physical contact or a conflict such as to say “my child, mother or partner has been torn from my breast.”

The Moon and the sign of Cancer rule over the breasts. In Redgrave’s natal horoscope (shown below; born on March 8, 1943 at 8:15 AM in London, UK; Ascendant 8 Aries 51), Jupiter in Cancer in the 4th house squares the natal Moon and the Ascendant (the health center of the body). The Moon rules over the 4th and 5th houses, over affairs involving one’s home life and children.

As I studied the three years leading up to her diagnosis in late 2002, the year 1999 stood out like a sore thumb: Solar Arc (SA) Pluto was conjunct Neptune (co-ruler of the 12th house of critical illness), SA Neptune=Moon, and SA Saturn=Sun! Throughout 1999, transiting Neptune and transiting Saturn were semisquare her natal Sun in the 12th house.*

*Please note: an overview of the astrological indicators of critical illness and a short introduction to Dr. Hamer’s work can be found in the essay “The Two-Year Clue,” May 2010. I felt certain that 1999 was critical in understanding the emotional conflict that triggered her cancer diagnosis. I googled “Lynn Redgrave 1999” and sure enough, it was at that time that Redgrave learned that her husband John Clark of 32 years had fathered a child with his assistant, Nicolette Hanah in 1991 — the same woman who married their oldest son Benjamin four years later. John and Nicolette kept this secret until after Nicolette and Ben divorced. Redgrave told The Times of London in 1999: “I can’t forgive him. There’s no way we can be back together. There’s no wavering on my part.”

She filed for divorce on March 1, 1999, and after the court trial moved from California with their three children and took up residence in Connecticut.

The emotional conflict may very well have been on-going throughout the years ahead. Her ex-husband John Clark wrote on his blog in September 2005 in reference to an upcoming interview with Lynn Redgrave by interviewer Robert Osborne:

“Robert, do me a favor now. Just ask her, as part of the interview, why she feels it necessary to keep my kids from me? It’s been 6 years since I heard from Kelly Clark, and 3 years since Annabel Clark, and over 1 year since Ben Clark. Ask her too why she feels it necessary to keep restraining orders in place to prevent me from even having a conversation with her — hence this website.”

The astrology supports on-going health concern as well:

In 2003/2004, SA Saturn was conjunct Pluto, SA Neptune was opposed Uranus (both planets, co-rulers of the 12th house) and transiting Saturn was square the Ascendant and the Moon. In 2005, SA Mars (r. Asc) was opposed Neptune (co-r. 12th), with transiting Saturn opposed Mars.

In 2006, transiting Saturn was conjunct Pluto.

In 2007, SA Pluto opposed the Ascendant, with transiting Saturn square Uranus (co-r. 12th).

In 2008 and 2009 the measurements intensify with the extended transits of Pluto square natal Neptune, and Neptune semisquare the natal Ascendant and Moon. Transiting Neptune was also conjunct Mercury in the 12th house, and finally transiting Saturn was opposed the Sun, semisquare Pluto, and conjunct Neptune.

Other unexpected emotional conflicts may have contributed to her debilitation as well. Her brother had a sudden heart attack in June 2005 (he died in April 2010, just one month before Lynn Redgrave passed), and a little more than a year ago, her niece Natasha Richardson died suddenly from head injuries in a skiing accident.

Without speaking with Lynn Redgrave directly, we will never know how she perceived these conflicts the very moment they occurred, but life circumstances do support Dr. Hamer’s theories for an emotional conflict associated with the breasts. Perhaps Redgrave was unable to find resolution and closure to the scandal that disrupted her family ‘nest’ and ended her 32-year marriage.

For a deeper understanding of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s work and the German New Medicine, please visit You can also read a free sample of my eBook “How Emotional Conflicts Trigger Disease – An Astrological View.”

Horoscope Lynn Redgrave by Astrologer Lauren Delsack

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