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Birth Time Rectification Comedian Kathy Griffin

I recently stumbled upon comedian Kathy Griffin. You might be familiar with her Emmy award-winning show on Bravo, “My Life on the D-List.” I could not get enough of her standup videos and sense of humor. I was hooked! I had to take a look at her horoscope.

Kathy Griffin was born on November 4, 1960 in Oak Park, Illinois. With an unknown time of birth, I took up the challenge of rectifying her birth time. One of the first things I noticed on the day she was born was that the Moon moved into the sign of Gemini after 5:45 PM. That seemed quite appropriate given Griffin’s sharp wit and petite stature. So that’s where I began to work.

There were three possible Ascendant signs from 5:45 PM until Midnight: Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Based on several factors, I began the rectification at 10:00 PM with 2 Leo 51 on the Ascendant and 18 Aries 00 on the Midheaven.

Researching major life events, I found basically zilch about her early childhood. What I did learn was that shortly after graduating High School (in 1978), Kathy moved to California with her parents who retired there. She had attended one semester of junior college in Illinois, so I assumed her relocation to be sometime in 1979 with transiting Pluto opposed the Midheaven.

She began performing in the early 1980’s but it wasn’t until 1996 that she got her first big break on the TV sitcom “Suddenly Susan” with Brooke Shields. Two years later in 1998, her first one-hour solo special “Hot Cup of Talk” appeared on HBO. That’s when we see transiting Saturn working its way up to conjunct her Midheaven (mid-1997 through March ’98). Two Solar Arcs fall nicely into this scenario: SA Node opposed the MC around the start of 1996, and SA MC square Uranus in December 97 (“brings the power of selfhood forward; assertion is recognized”).

Griffin married on February 18, 2001. She filed for divorce a little more than 4 years later in September 2005 (officially divorced on May 15, 2006).

Simultaneously in June 2005, she launched the debut of her solo reality-show, “My Life on the D-List.” Transiting Saturn was conjunct her Ascendant for a one-time hit in August 2005 coinciding with both personal and professional events.

A slight 2-minute adjustment forward to 10:02 PM puts SA Pluto opposed the Midheaven exact on February 11, 2001 just 7 days before her wedding. As well, SA Venus opposed the Ascendant in December 2005 signally her reality show debut. Working with 10:02 PM (Asc 3 Leo 15; MC 18 Aries 32), Griffin won an Emmy Award on September 8, 2007 (first hit tr. Saturn square Moon) for the 2nd season of her reality show which began in June 2006 (SP Moon opposed Ascendant and SA Moon square MC, July/August ’06).

While shooting the 3rd season of her show, her father died of heart failure on February 17, 2007 (age 92) coinciding with the first hit of tr. Pluto semisquare her Sun (regardless of birth time).

In terms of health, Griffin is an outspoken opponent of Lasik eye surgery after she endured 5 botched operations on her eyesight that left her partially blind in one eye. That occurred in 2003 with tr. Neptune square the Sun (r. Ascendant) and tr. Pluto sesquiquadrate the Ascendant. SA MC was semisquare Mars in the 12th house of critical illness.

A birth time around 10:00 to 10:02 PM seems like a strong possibility. With an 18th degree of Aries on the Midheaven, the Sabian Symbol is “An empty hammock” (18 Aries) and “Two men placed under arrest” (18 Libra). According to Blain Bovee’s awesome book, he writes “think of operating outside the laws and rules in innovative, slightly defiant ways.” This does seem to corroborate Griffin’s comic/career style!

Birth Time Rectification Kathy Griffin by Astrologer Lauren Delasck

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