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Sydney Pollack: Stomach Cancer

Studying the horoscope of Sydney Pollack (born July 1, 1934 at 4:30 PM in Lafayette, IN; Asc 3 Sag 06), I do not see the usual telling signs of critical illness over the past three years leading up to his diagnosis (supposedly in Sept’ 07) of stomach cancer.

What we do see is tr. Saturn square the Ascendant, the first hit in September ’07 at the time of diagnosis with the final hit in June ’08 upon his passing. What stands out to me is tr. Saturn conjunct his Sun in the sign of Cancer (ruling over the stomach) in 2004, and then onward to conjunct Pluto in 2004/2005. Transiting Pluto was quindecile the Sun for an extended transit from March ’05 throughout October ’06 and that might be the most telling transit coupled with tr. Saturn.

In terms of Solar Arcs, there are two that stand out: SA Mars semisquare Jupiter, ruler of his Ascendant in October ’05 (the sense of attack from Mars on the health-center) coupled with SA Uranus conjunct the Sun. As well we see the Sun (in Cancer) arcing to conjunct the MC in January ’07. One would think that measurement may have coincided with career recognition and success, which it very well may have, but certainly signaling an important time. Perhaps in Pollack’s case, it signals health concern as if marking the culmination of Pluto’s extended quindecile to the Sun. Just some preliminary thoughts.

Horoscope Sydney Pollack by Astrologer Lauren Delsack

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