Senator Edward Kennedy: Brain Tumor
Right now (May 2008) Senator Kennedy’s diagnosis of a malignant brain tumor coincides with the retrograde hit of tr. Pluto sesquiquadrate Jupiter, ruler of his critical illness 12th house. Transiting Saturn is about to oppose his Sun and conjunct his Moon for the final hit in June-July 2008. Kennedy was born February 22, 1932 at 3:58 AM EST in Dorchester, MA (Asc 10 Cap 49).
Looking back over the past three years, back to 2005, we see that tr. Neptune was opposed Jupiter, and tr. Saturn opposed Saturn, ruler of his Ascendant. The following year in mid-2006, tr. Saturn moved on to conjunct Jupiter. That coincided with a major Solar Arc (SA MC opposed Pluto). Last year in 2007, the two health rulers came together through Solar Arc contact (SA Jupiter square Saturn).
Due to the varying growth rate of brain tumors we could look back further two years to 2003 and find SA Pluto semisquare Jupiter (the same planetary combination being hit off in 2008 through transit contact). Tr. Saturn was then opposed the Ascendant (2003/2004). Something is significance was likely occurring in his life back then as tr. Pluto was semisquare the MC (2004/2005) and tr. Uranus conjunct the Sun (2003/2004).
It would be interesting to study what’s been taking place in his life over the past 5 years.