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Birth Time Rectification Nancy Pelosi

I’ve been working on the birth time rectification of Nancy Pelosi and came up with an interesting strong possibility.

One of the first things I noticed about her horoscope (born March 26, 1940 in Baltimore, MD) is she has no planets in Air signs. Reading over her biography from various sources, it would appear that Pelosi is an avid human rights advocate including a long record of Pro-choice; assistance for the poor and disadvantaged; voted for increasing minimum wage; supporter of immigrant rights, civil liberties, and freedom of speech; separation of church and state; outspoken criticism against the war in Iraq; history of supporting new technology for environment and energy; pro gun control and restricting handgun sales; voting to increase Medicare and Medicaid, and supporting assisted suicide, and finally pro research on human embryos for possible cures.

Now all of this might just sound very democratic, however based on her physical appearance an Aquarian Ascendant is a strong possibility. The shape of her face appears to have a Taurus influence as well, and lo and behold we find Uranus (ruler of an Aquarian Ascendant) in the sign of Taurus! So I began to work with the events of her life using Aquarius on the Ascendant.

I’ve settled in on a time around 4:27 AM with Ascendant 25 Aquarius 42 and MC at 10 Sagittarius 25. With this birth time, the Solar Arc Sun is opposed the Midheaven exact in December 2006, the first woman to be elected as Speaker of the House.

A few interesting things to note regarding the natal horoscope:

1. The strong triple conjunct of Uranus-Venus-Mars in Taurus falls in the 3rd house.

2. The Moon in Scorpio is pushing for the 9th house. 3. The Sun in Aries is firmly placed in the 1st house. 4. Node=Sun/Moon: team player, needing to be involved with the public; and MC=Pluto/Node: associations with others are the requirement of success. 5. Peregrine Jupiter ruler of the Ascendant in the 2nd house: the Pelosi family has a net worth of over $25 million (mainly investments of husband Paul Pelosi). 6. The closest aspect in Pelosi’s horoscope is Pluto square Saturn, with Saturn placed in the 2nd and Pluto in the 6th house of social service. Pluto rules the 9th of law and Saturn rules the 12th of government (certainly part of the vocational profile). 7. Mars in Taurus in the 3rd is quindecile the Moon (r. 5th and 6th) suggesting strong and passionate emotional convictions (mother of 5 children and a workaholic dedication to social service) and Mars is quindecile the MC suggesting a need to reach the top and an assertive pursuit of one’s goals. She can demonstrate confidence when pursing what she is passionate about. This forms a natal midpoint of Mars=Moon/MC: “strong work orientation; promotion; strength on the job.”

Here’s a recap of major life events with activity involving the Angles, Sun or Moon:

At age 7, her father became the city’s first Italian-American mayor (3 terms), so Pelosi was known as the mayor’s daughter for most of her childhood and teens (she often worked on her father’s campaigns): SP Moon conjunct Asc; SA Uranus and Venus arced to square the Ascendant.

Age 12 (1952), she was allowed to attend her first Democratic National Convention: A very significant New Moon (SP Moon conjunct SA Sun); SA Sun conjunct Jupiter (r. 10th); tr. Pluto square Venus (in 3rd, r. 3rd) with Jupiter transiting the 3rd house stellium.

Age 18 (1958) began college: tr. Uranus square Moon: “During the 1950s many devout Roman Catholic families placed restrictions on their children, and Pelosi’s early family life was no different. She attended the Institute of Notre Dame High School in Baltimore, a school for young women. When it came time to choose a college, her parents permitted her to travel only as far as Washington, D.C., which was less than fifty miles from Baltimore. She entered Trinity College, a Roman Catholic college for women. It was an entirely new world for her. For someone who had grown up in Little Italy, she compared it to ‘going to Australia with a backpack,’ as she joked in a People interview with journalist J. D. Heyman.”

Age 22 (1962), Pelosi earned her degree from Trinity in 1962, and then served as a congressional intern for a Maryland senator. She thought about law school, but followed the more traditional path for a young woman of her era, that of marriage (exact date unknown). She met her husband to be while at college (exact date unknown): tr. Uranus oppose the Ascendant; SA Uranus and SA Venus oppose MC (1961); tr. Neptune conjunct Moon and SP Moon oppose Ascendant (1962).

By 1969 she had given birth to 5 children, and that same year moved across country to San Francisco: tr. Pluto square MC (1963), tr. Saturn conjunct Asc (1964), and SA Moon AND SP Moon conjunct MC (1969).

In 1976, worked for the Democratic campaign and in 1977 became chair for the northern section of the California Democratic Party: SA Sun opposed Moon, tr. Saturn square Moon (1976); tr. Uranus conjunct Moon and tr. Saturn opposed Ascendant (1977).

Four years later (1981) became the chair for the entire state of California: the second very significant New Moon cycle (SP Moon conjunct the SA Sun); tr. Uranus conjunct MC, tr. Saturn conjunct Moon, SP Moon opposed MC (1981 to 1983).

In 1987/88, Congressional career, won special election to succeed Sala Burton (ill with cancer), and took office on June 2, 1987. She was elected to a full term in 1988 and has been re-elected 8 times: tr. Pluto conjunct Moon.

In 2001: Democratic Party leadership, elected to the position of House Minority Whip, serving as second-in-command to Minority Leader Dick Gephardt of Missouri. In doing so, Pelosi became the first woman in U.S. history to achieve the position of whip for a party’s caucus: tr. Pluto conjunct MC (2000) and tr. Saturn opposed MC (2001).

In 2002, after Gephardt resigned as minority leader to seek the Democratic nomination in the 2004 presidential election, Pelosi was elected minority leader. Pelosi is the first woman in U.S. history to serve as minority leader in the House: tr. Uranus conjunct Ascendant; SP Moon conjunct Ascendant (2002).

And NOW with tr. Uranus square MC (2005/2006), and SA Sun opposed MC (exact December 2006) she becomes the first woman Speaker of the House!!!

Birth time Rectification Nancy Pelosi by Astrologer Lauren Delsack

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