Birth Time Rectification Leon Uris
I have always enjoyed Leon Uris’ books ever since I read “Exodus” as a teenager. While currently reading his book, “The Haj,” I have been inspired to rectify his birth time.
One of the first things I noticed about Uris’ Horoscope (born August 3, 1924 in Baltimore MD; rectified birth time of 4:10 AM EDT; Asc 15 Can 58; MC 27 Pis 18) is Jupiter in Sagittarius drives a demanding t-square with Moon-Mercury in Virgo oppose Mars in Pisces (Jupiter with Mercury is so often the signature of a writer). At age 6 (in 1930), Uris was inspired to write his first operetta spurred on by the death of his dog. At that time this natal t-square came alive by Solar Arc contact: Mars (in the 9th) arced to square Jupiter (ruling the 6th of pets!), and oppose the Moon (in the 3rd)! Mercury arced to conjunct the Moon!
Further corroboration for this important writing event shows SA Uranus (r. 9th) conjunct MC, SA MC square Venus, with tr. Saturn oppose the Ascendant, and tr. Uranus square Ascendant.
Uris dropped out of high school his senior year to enlist in the Marine Corps at age 17 (in 1941). At that time, SA Mars was conjunct Uranus in the 9th, ruler of the 9th (“tremendous urge to action”). Transiting Neptune (co-ruler of the 10th) was opposed the Midheaven.
In 1945, while recuperating from malaria in San Francisco, he met his first wife and they married that same year. Transiting Saturn was conjunct the Ascendant, tr. Uranus was square the Moon, and SA Neptune was conjunct the Moon (ruler of his health-center Ascendant). The following year in 1946 he was discharged.
He became a full-time writer in 1950 when he sold an article to Esquire. SA Ascendant was conjunct his Sun (“personality clarification through the reaction to others”), SA Uranus (r. 9th) was square the Ascendant with tr. Saturn oppose the Midheaven (major, major new start), and tr. Neptune (r. 10th) was square the Ascendant.
In 1953 he published his first book “Battle Cry” and moved to Hollywood: tr. Uranus (r. 9th) was oppose his Ascendant (high probability of relocation), and SP Moon was oppose the MC. He spent two years (1956 to 1958) researching and traveling extensively (as a war correspondent) for the writing and publication of his book “Exodus” (published in 1958): SA Moon was oppose Pluto (“intensity of self-application”) with tr. Uranus conjunct his Sun, and tr. Saturn square the Moon and Midheaven.
In 1964, Uris was sued by Wladislaw Dering, a Polish doctor mentioned in “Exodus” as one of the concentration camp doctors who had committed medical experiments on Jews. The courts ruled in favor of Dering: one halfpenny. Dering was also ordered to pay the legal costs for both sides of the lawsuit. At this time SA Saturn (ruler of the legalism 7th) hit off the dominant natal t-square: square Mars (in the publication 9th) and square Mercury (in the 3rd). Transiting Uranus was conjunct the Moon.
He remarried in 1968 with tr. Uranus oppose his MC (after divorcing his first wife in 1965). One year later in 1969, his second wife died. SA Saturn (ruler of the 7th) was conjunct Jupiter (ruler of the 6th, i.e. the critical illness 12th of the partner 7th). As well, SA Saturn was square the Moon (finishing its contact with the natal t-square), and tr. Pluto made its first opposition to the Midheaven. During this extended two-year transit, Uris published “QB VII” in 1970. He also married again that same year.
Uris died at age 78 on June 21, 2003 of renal (kidney) failure. We see natal Saturn in Libra, and natal Venus in the 12th house corroborating a possible predisposition to weakness of the kidneys (Venus/Libra rule over the kidneys). In 2001, SA Pluto was opposed the MC. In 2002, SA Sun was conjunct Saturn, and SA Saturn was oppose Pluto in the 12th. Transiting Neptune was opposed the Sun (2002 and 2003). When he died in June 2003, tr. Saturn was exactly conjunct Venus in the 12th house.
Proposed Rectified Birth Time: Leon Uris’ Natal Chart