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Jerry Orbach Prostate Cancer

Jerry Orbach best known for his role on the TV series “Law and Order” died of Prostate Cancer on Tuesday, December 28th, 2004. He was born on October 20th, 1935 in Bronx, NY. Unable to find a time of birth, I have rectified his horoscope for a possible birth time at 11:47 AM (Asc 3 Cap 46).

Early warning signs of critical illness began in 2002 and lead right up to his death in December 2004:

In 2002 and 2003, tr. Pluto was square Neptune (12/01, 10/02), tr. Neptune was oppose the peregrine Moon (3/02, 1/03), tr. Uranus was square Jupiter ruler of the 12th (3, 12/02), and tr. Saturn was oppose natal Mars in the 12th (7/02, 4/03).

In 2004, tr. Uranus was conjunct Saturn ruler of the Ascendant (3, 12/04), tr. Saturn was square the Sun (10/04), and SA Mars ruler of the 4th was conjunct Saturn ruler of the Ascendant (11/04).

There may be a predisposition for prostate cancer suggested in his horoscope (Pluto and Scorpio rule the prostate gland) with Jupiter in SCORPIO ruling the 12th, and natal PLUTO square the Sun.

A birth time at 11:47 AM shows convincing angular contacts during major life events: In 1955, he moved back to NY and started his acting career: Tr. Neptune was conjunct the MC, SP Moon was oppose the MC, Tr. Uranus was square MC-Sun, and SA Venus=Asc (Venus r. 10th)

He married in 1958, as well as starring in his first film:

SA Ascendant was square the Sun (SA Asc=Sun), Tr. Saturn was conjunct the Ascendant. He won a Tony Award in 1969 for his performance in 1968′s “Promises, Promises”: Tr. Saturn was oppose Sun-MC, Tr. Jupiter was conjunct Sun-MC, SP Moon was conjunct MC, and SA MC=Node.

He divorced his first wife in 1975: tr. Uranus was conjunct the MC, and tr. Saturn was square MC-Sun

He married his second wife in 1979: SA Venus was conjunct the Midheaven (SA Ven=MC). Midheaven Extension Process for Jerry Orbach

The proposed birth time (11:47 AM; October 20th 1935, Bronx, NY) fits perfectly with Jerry Orbach’s profession:

1. Libra MC ruled by Venus, Venus conjunct Neptune (r. 3rd theatrical communication); Venus semisquare MC.

2. Mercury in Libra disposits Ven-Nep, is conjunct Sun-MC Libra, and in mutual reception with Venus.

3. Pluto in the 7th exactly squares the MC, is disposited by peregrine Moon in Leo, ruler of the 7th (dramatic public performer); Moon quintile Sun, Sun conjunct MC. Short, concise, and clear.

Horoscope Jerry Orbach by Astrologer Lauren Delsack

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